
Disability: Financial Assistance

July 1, 2007

Financial Assistance
Catholic Charities with financial assistnace and their food pantry.
http://www.catholic charitiesusa. org

United Methodist Foundation, food, clothing, utilities or phone or
housing assistance
http://umf-nc. org

Financial Assistance Resource

Has directory of Foundations in US that Provide Individual Grants
under “General Welfare Section” of book. Book can be found in your
local library
http://foundationce nter.org/

Modest Needs
http://www.modestne eds.org

Angel Food Ministries
a program that allows people to buy a $60 box of food for $25 – the selections look good and they also offer a lot of meat (which is in short supply at most food banks). There are 19 participating states.
So if you know of someone who needs a little extra food or runs short every month, please send them here: http://angelfoodministries.com/menu.php
PS. they also accept food stamps.

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